
Just a few weeks after the fall of the Berlin Wall, I splattered into tense latex palms in Saint-Raphael’s Hospital in New Haven. Born at the beginning of the End of History. I learned to read from Bill Watterson, learned to laugh from Chris Rock, and learned to think from a family of therapists. Growing up, I was molded by the confident hands of Western liberal democracy — the left with Jewish summer camp and service trips and the right with competitive sports and even more competitive schooling.

At the University of Pennsylvania, I indulged in Urban Studies and Environmental Studies, participated in Greek life, service and entrepreneurship groups, Occupy Penn, and the Daily Pennsylvanian. My interests include social entrepreneurship, anthropology, sexuality and gender, critical theory, animals, couch surfing, basketball, and writing.

Follow me on Twitter @ZacharyABell.

Email me with questions, comments, project ideas, or suggestions for adventures at ZacharyABell.mail at gmail dot com.

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